iPad Device User Agreement Information

Every Parent and Student Must Sign the iPad User Agreement

Step 1: Click this link (Incident IQ)

Step 2: Login using your child' school email address & their password. If you do not have their email and password please contact the school or your child's classroom teacher.

Step 3: As soon as you login, you will see a reminder to electronically sign the Device User Agreement. It will either be in a pop-up window or in a yellow bar at the top of the page on the dashboard. See examples below. 

incident iq screenshot to review policies

Step 4: Fill out the document. You can choose a language (English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole). 

Step 5: Scroll through the document and read everything carefully. 

Step 6: There is a section called "Damaged or Loss of Equipment-Optional Insurance" with a link to purchase. We strongly suggest you purchase insurance each year to avoid large bills due to iPad/case damage, loss, or theft. Here is a link to the insurance here. 

Step 7: Scroll down to fill out the form. See example below. 

example screenshot of form on incident iq form

Step 8: Click Submit when finished. 


Please keep in mind the following important information:

  • iPads belong to the district.

  • They are meant to be used as instructional tools.

  • They should not be used as your personal phone/tablet/device. 

  • Do NOT share passwords

  • Do NOT leave your device behind

  • Charge your iPad each night